Genelec 7060A, 7070A and 7071A Active Subwoofers Operating ManualLSE SeriesGen 7060A+7070A+7071A 22.5.2002, 11:041Prosessimusta
General descriptionGenelec 7060A, 7070A and 7071A are pow-erful active subwoofers, incorporating all the amplifi er and crossover electronics needed fo
Pro Logic) should not be connected to the "LFE IN" input. See section "Subwoofer in analogue matrix sound systems".SUM OUT: Use th
Figure 4. The effect of phase difference between the subwoofer and the main monitors Although the 7060A, 7070A and 7071A subwoofers are magnetically s
necessary to temporarily connect either of the channels to this output. Power up the system and set the DIP switches 3 (SUM IN MODE) and 4 (LFE +10 dB
The LFE channel on the 7060A, 7070A and 7071A can be set to two frequency ranges: 19 to 85 Hz or 19 to 120 Hz by using the "LFE BANDWIDTH" s
Figure 11. The curves above show the harmonic distortion analysis of the 7060A in free field. In half space the SPL will be 6 dB higher.Figure 9. The
AMPLIFIER SECTIONINPUT SECTIONCROSSOVER SECTIONSYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 7060A 7070A 7071A Free fi eld frequency response 29 Hz…85 Hz 19 Hz…85 Hz 19
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