OperatingOperatingOperatingOperatingOperatingManualManualManualManualManualGenelec 1094A and 1092AGenelec 1094A and 1092AGenelec 1094A and 1092AGenele
General DescriptionThe Genelec 1094A and 1092A activesubwoofers are powerful low frequencyloudspeakers, incorporating all theamplifier and crossover e
Subwoofer Positioning1 22334'Soffit' Mount5The figure to the left shows some example subwoofer positionswithin a room. Unless mentioned othe
Coarse Phase CorrectionMethodThe method to coarse align the phaseof the system is as follows.• Connect an audio frequency signalgenerator to one of th
System ConnectionSubwoofer in two channelStereo mode.Both left and right stereo channels arefed into the inputs of the subwoofer.Each subwoofer output
Subwoofer in AnalogueMatrix Surround Soundsystems.When using a single subwoofer in ananalogue matrix surround soundsystem, such as Dolby Surround orD
Two Subwoofers (mono) inthree channel LCR mode.To combine the subwoofers into thesystem so that both subwoofersproduce the bass signals for all threec
Free field frequency responseof system (± 2.5 dB): 29 - 80 Hz 33 - 80 HzMaximum short term sine waveacoustic output in half space,averaged from 35 Hz
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